Office: 303.736.9441 | Fax: 303.773.8331 | | 6635 S Dayton St, Suite 360, Greenwood Village, CO 80111


Please consider using the fine companies below for your next service need. If you have a complaint against any of these companies, please let us know. We value your trust and only display companies we have received nothing but high compliments for. In fact, all of the companies below, our staff members have personally done business with. We are confident they will treat you right. Mention we sent you!


Amy Kozleski 
Amy E Kozleski, CPA
19590 E Mainstreet Ste 203
Parker, CO 80138
Phone: 720-475-1798

Auto Services:

ABRA Auto Body & Glass

Phone: 888-872-2272

Caliber Collision


Auto Mechanic:

Johnny Good Inc

366 Norfolk St
Aurora, CO 80011
Phone: 303-367-2416
Antero Automotive
6615 S Dayton St
Greenwood VIllage, CO 80111

Carpet Cleaning:

A Cleaner Carpet
Denver, CO
Phone: 303-791-1870

Rainbow International 

Michele Brouillette  —  Centennial, CO
Phone: 303-699-7111

Carpet Installation:

The Colorado Floor Company
5480 West 60th Avenue, Unit D
Arvada, CO 80003
Phone: 303-421-2228


Preferred Auto Glass by brakes plus
(Chuck Cluster – if you don’t have glass coverage, ask for the cash discount 303-523-4283)
Phone: 303-745-8400

Premium Auto Glass
(Kathy Bridgewater – if you don’t have glass coverage, ask for the cash discount 303-345-5102)
Phone: 303-680-6080

Safelite Auto Glass
(Dennis Gallegos – if you don’t have glass coverage, ask for the cash discount 303-550-6479)
Phone: 855-991-4054

Home Warranty:

American Home Shield
Phone: 888-429-8247


Parker Heating and Cooling
18436 Longs Way

Parker, CO 80134
Phone: 303-222-2055


General Law
Keating Wagner Polidori Free, P.C.
Mike Keating
1290 Broadway, Suite 600
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-534-0401

Phillips Legal
JP Phillips
2701 Lawrence St
Denver, CO 80205
Phone: 720-465-5056

Estate Planning
Horen, Lockwood and Masters, LLP
Bob Horen

Phone: 303-436-9121


Horn Funding Group
Courtney Horn, Loan Officer / Owner
9155 E Nichols Ave., Ste 150 
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone: 303-957-0909
Guild Mortgage
Tim Siebenthal
8400 E Crescent Pkwy
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone 303-929-2853


Wall Coat Company
1236 Elati St
Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 303-394-4028

Architectural Finishes
225 Elm St
Denver, CO 80220
Phone: 303-394-9990


Academy Roofing
1610 Jasper St.
Aurora, CO 80011 
Phone: 303-360-0708


Discount Tire

Les Schwab Tire Center

Water/Flooding Issues:

Rainbow International Restoration
Michele Brouillette  —  Centennial, CO
Phone: 303-699-7111

Feel free to recommend a company on this list by adding comments below!

Don’t forget – if you don’t know your insurance agent, get to know us and give us the chance to earn your business, 303-736-9441, or fill out our contact form here!